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The coral mouth necklace: summer 2023 trend

Coral Mouth Not infrequently the fashions and trends of the moment, even in terms of jewelry, are born on social networks, to then land and above all develop on the catwalk, giving life to couture jewels.
With the arrival of summer it is also more pleasant to show off jewels that highlight the tan and that know how to capture the eyes. Like any other fashion or luxury artifact, jewels are also influenced by market demands.
Among the most recent trends that we will surely see going crazy in the coming summer are necklaces with coral mouths.

2023 fashion necklace

Among the 2023 jewelry trends to follow and buy immediately there are the coral mouth necklaces, which we make in our company.
This particular and at the same time elegant necklace, is composed of a mouth made of coral, mounted on a chain in yellow gold, white gold or silver. The coral mouth is engraved by our master engravers with care and attention, working directly in the historic workshops according to the authentic tradition of Torre del Greco.
Coral, with its intense red, is well suited to the creation of a perfect mouth, a simple yet ancestral symbol of the kiss.

The coral mouth

The coral kiss brings with it numerous anecdotes related to the strong apotropaic value of the precious material, coming from the depths of the seas. Already among the ancient Greeks it was customary to use coral as a jewel, useful for warding off demons, envy and misfortune.
The coral mouth necklace is well suited to be worn with a very elegant and essential look, such as a pair of high-waisted jeans and a white t-shirt.

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