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Vicenzaoro January 2025

Vicenzaoro January kicks off the new year with the most important and most anticipated edition. We look forward to seeing you at pavilion 4A - stand 220. You will have the opportunity to discover the many new collections in gold and silver with coral and cameo, but not only. Many pearls, semi...

Vicenzaoro September 2024

Like every year, the autumn fair season starts with Vicenzaoro Settembre, which will be held from 6 to 10 September 2024. This will certainly be a fair with the spotlight on it, because it will be the first edition of Vicenza with the exhibition center with works in progress. In fact, since Fe...

Vicenzaoro January 2024

Welcome to the universe of elegance and innovation! We are thrilled to invite you to our exclusive stand at the VicenzaOro Fair, where luxury meets creativity to create a unique experience. Immerse yourself in the beauty of our jewelry and accessories, expressions of timeless style and refinement...

Tarì Open October 2023

Are you ready for an extraordinary experience of innovation and discovery? The Tarì Fair is upon us and we can't wait to welcome you from 6 to 9 October at our stand in module 106!

Discover Timeless Elegance with Aucella srl at Vicenzaoro!

We are thrilled to announce our participation in the upcoming edition of the prestigious Vicenzaoro fair, taking place from September 8th to 12th. At Pavilion 2, Stand Number 290, Aucella srl invites you to immerse yourself in the world of coral and cameo jewelry artistry.


Vicenzaoro 2023 - new location

With the beginning of 2023, the appointment with Vicenzaoro January returns, from 20 to 24 January 2023.

From this year, there will be many new features, starting with our stand: new pavilion, new location, new layout.

So, take note: Hall 2 Stand 290 .

Do ...

Vicenzaoro September

9 - 13 September
Hall 4 Booth 233
Personalized and one-of-a-kind workmanship is up to you in our stand. We are waiting for you to discover together new secrets of cameo manufacturing and to present you the latest news regarding the creation of personalized cameo...

Tari Open 29 April - 2 May 2022

The first real exhibition of the Centro Orafo il Tarì in 2022 will be from 29 April until 2 May.

We will be present at our showroom, module 106.

We are waiting for you to show you all the news for spring - summer


Vicenzaoro 17-21 March 2022

The first appointment with Vicenzaoro, scheduled for January 2022, was confirmed from 17 to 21 March 2022.

Since 1977, we have been present at all editions of Vicenzaoro, to confront the world of global jewelry, to meet our customers and make known all our new spring / summer collections....

Tari Open

Given the situation, the Goldsmith Center Il Tarì decides to postpone the March edition of the Fair, and replaces it with an opening Sunday.

Appointment for Sunday 27 February, Centro Orafo il Tarì, for the first Tarì Open of 2022, where you can find over 400 companie...

Vicenzaoro 2021

The appointment with Vicenzaoro 2021 is back, from 10 to 14 September. We will be present in hall 7 stand 780. We are waiting for you with many novelties in coral and cameo....

Tarì Spring Preview

Next show in Tarì will be from 14 to 16 March 2020 . We will show the new collection in silver and gold with coral, cameos, pearls. ...

Hong Kong Jewelry Show Rescheduled

Organizers of two upcoming jewelry trade shows in Hong Kong have postponed the events as the coronavirus continues to spread beyond mainland China. Both events will now run from May 18 to 21 at the same venue, AsiaWorld-Expo. Meanwhile you can contact us and make your order with special rates....

Vicenzaoro January 2020

We have the pleasure to invite you at next Vicenzaoro January 2020 , from 17 to 22 January . We will exhibit at hall 4 booth 159. We will show you all our newest jewellery items....

November Hong Kong Show

We are glad to invite you to visit us at NOVEMBER HONG KONG JEWELLERY & GEM FAIR   We are trilling to show you all new designs and finest selection of: CORAL - CAMEOS - SEMIPRECIOUS STONES. Many reasons to enjoy us. BOOTH 3FG40 Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre 28 November - 1 De...

Tarì Mondo Prezioso

Torna l'appuntamento di Maggio presso il Centro Orafo Il Tarì. Vi invitiamo a visitare il nostro showroom per scoprire tutte le novità e le tendenze del nostro brand. Coralli e cammei, montati e semilavorati ideali per realizzare  gioielli unici e irresistibili da indossare. ...

La Settimana del Corallo

La nostra azienda non  poteva non partecipare alla Settimana del Corallo e del Cammeo, promossa da Federpreziosi Salerno, in collaborazione con Assocoral. Per una settimana si susseguiranno una serie di iniziative volte a sostenere la Candidatura Unesco a Patrimonio Immateriale dell'Umanit&agra...

June Hong Kong Show

We are glad to invite you to visit us at JUNE HONG KONG JEWELLERY & GEM FAIR   We are trilling to show you all new designs and finest selection of: CORAL - CAMEOS - SEMIPRECIOUS STONES - PEARLS and more... Many reasons to enjoy us. BOOTH 3F501 Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre 22...

Vicenzaoro September 2017

Dopo la pausa estiva siamo più carichi che mai, con una serie di novità e proposte davvero convenienti. Vi aspettiamo! 23/27 SEP 2017 Hall 4 Booth 159 23-09-2017 27-09-2017...

September Hong Kong Jewelry Show

One of the most important appointment in Hong Kong is the September edition of Hong Kong Jewellery & Gem Fair. Every year we attend at this show, exhibiting all our fine selection of coral, cameos and semi-precious stones.   Where to find us 13/17 SEP 2017 10T13 Asia World Expo ...

Tarì Pronto Natale

Vi aspettiamo presso il nostro showroom, Modulo 106, per mostrarvi le ultime novità, qualche anticipazione del 2018 , e per gli ultimi acquisti prima del Natale 26-11-2017 27-11-2017...

November Hong Kong Show

We would like to meet you at November Hong Kong Show, from 30 November to 2 December , at Convention and Exhibition Center in Hong Kong . We will exhibit at hall 3 booth 3FA15 . 30-11-2017 02-12-2017...

Vicenzaoro January 2018

We are glad to invite you at next VICENZAORO JANUARY 2018,  19 - 24 January .  We will exhibit at Hall 4 Booth 159 . 19-01-2018 24-01-2018...

Tarì Mondo Prezioso - Marzo 2018

Vi aspettiamo per questo primo appuntamento del 2018 targato Tarì Mondo Prezioso.  Presso il nostro showroom - modulo 106 , sarà possibile vedere in anteprima le collezioni primavera - estate .  09-03-2018 12-03-2018...

March Hong Kong Jewerllery Show

We would like to meet you at March Hong Kong Show, from 27 February to 3 March, at Asia World Expo in Hong Kong. Join us at hall 10 booth 10C05 to discover our finest selection of coral and cameos. 27-02-2018 03-03-2018...

Tarì Mondo Prezioso

Tutto il fascino del corallo e del cammeo ti aspettano nel nostro showroom presso il Centro Orafo Il Tarì. Il polo dedicato alla gioielleria e ai preziosi è facile da raggiungere. Sito a Marcianise, in provincia di Caserta, è raggiungibile attraverso l'A1 con uscita a Caserta Su...

June Hong Kong Show

From 21 to 24 June we'll show our raw coral and cameos collections. If you are a jeweller or a designer join us at Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre.  HALL 3FG BOOTH 3F501   We'll be glad to present our products, such as coral and cameos, coral jewelry, semi-precious stones, pre...

VicenzaOro September 2018

Vincenzaoro  Vincenzaoro: One of the most anticipated events among the events dedicated to jewelry in Italy. From September 22nd to 26th, come and visit us in Hall 4, Stand 159 and be amazed by the brand new collections: unique and original jewels, able to surprise even the most expert.   ...

September Hong Kong Show

Booth 10T13 at  Asia World Expo From 12 to 16 September visit our booth at Asia World Expo. We'll be glad to show you our cutest selection of raw coral, semi-precious stones and cameos: perfect to make unique your jewellery. Choose the best quality of jewelry and other products made in Italy.&n...

Tarì Mondo Prezioso Ottobre 2018

Torna l'appuntamento con Tarì MONDOPREZIOSO.  Vi aspettiamo nel nostro showroom (modulo 106), per presentarvi le nostre nuovissime collezioni adatte a una donna moderna, che non intende rinunciare all'eleganza in nessuna occasione.  Particolare cura per i dettagli e pietre seleziona...

Prontonatale Centro Orafo Il Tarì

Torna l'appuntamento con idee preziose per il Natale. Anche quest'anno vi aspettiamo in occasione di ProntoNATALE, l'esposizione del Centro Orafo Il Tarì di Marcianise, dedicata alle collezioni di gioielli e altre creazioni per il Natale. Un'ottima idea per i regali aziendali di Natale sono i...

Hong Kong International Jewelry Manufacturers' Show

From 29 November to 2 December Our last big show in Kong for this year is coming up. As usual we will attend at Hong Kong International Jewelry Manufacturers's Fair to show you what's new in our catalogue. Join us at Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre Hall 3 Booth 3GF40 We added to our hug...

Vicenzaoro January 2019

We are glad to invite you at next VICENZAORO JANUARY 2019,  18 - 23 January .  We will exhibit at Hall 4 Booth 159 . 18-01-2019 23-01-2019...

Hong Kong International Diamond, Gem & Pearl Show

Hong Kong International Diamond, Gem & Pearl Show 26 February - 2 March Our international appointment with coral, cameos and semiprecious stones is back.  From 26 February to 2 March will welcome you at Hong Kong International Diamond, Gem & Pearl Show. Join us at Asia World Expo (AWE) ...

Hong Kong International Jewellery Show

Hong Kong International Jewellery Show 28 February - 4 March Our biggest news for this 2019. All our better collections and unique creations will be showed at Hong Kong International Jewellery Show. Join us to discover our unique luxury jewels. Appointment to the Convention Exhibition Center (CEC) 3...

Tarì MondoPrezioso 8/11 Marzo 2019

Torna l'appuntamento con lo stile e il glamour. Durante Tarì Mondoprezioso al Centro Orafo Il Tarì di Marcianise vi aspettiamo allo showroom 106, per mostrarvi una novità tra i nostri prodotti. Un nuovo modo di interpretare i gioielli, perché l'eleganza è accessibi...